Tag: feeding therapy

Breast Milk Storage

Breast Milk Storage

This is for all the bleary eyed mamas out there wondering what in the world to do with their freshly expressed breast milk- I see you, I’ve been you, you’ve got this!! There are so many sources for information these days- friends, mommy groups, google 

Bottle Compensations

Bottle Compensations

When it comes to bottle feeding some of our babies can eat seemingly upside down with complete independence while others need many supports and compensations when drinking from the bottle. Different level nipples can certainly help a baby who needs a slower/faster flow, however a 

The Intricate Swallow

The Intricate Swallow

“I never knew swallowing was so intricate until we started having trouble with swallowing!”

As an SLP specializing in feeding I hear this often! Eating and drinking are seemingly mindless tasks until someone starts having difficulty with them.

Eating food and drinking liquids are two things we count on to “just work”— as parents our babies rely on us to feed them, as adults we use eating and drinking as a main social activity to relate to others and our grandparents pass down recipes and family food to us from past generations.

But what if your baby needs a feeding tube, or your toddler needs thickener in their liquids in order to swallow, or you grandparent chokes every time they take a sip of liquids? This can change life quite a bit.

The great news- there is hope for those struggling with eating and drinking! Babies can wean from feeding tubes, toddlers can work towards drinking thin consistency liquids and children can learn how to chew and safely swallow a variety of textures!

As intricate as the swallow is, feeding therapy techniques paired with family participation can help our children (and grandparents) regain or repair their swallowing skills! Our kids are resilient beyond our knowledge and parents are more motivating then they’ll ever know! Both of these qualities paired with skilled feeding therapy help our kiddos meet their highest feeding potential!

Toddler Feeding

Toddler Feeding

Toddler parents typically start to feel like short order chefs when their 2 year olds start to have an opinion about the food going in their mouths, but it doesn’t have to be that way! Toddlers are SIGNIFICANTLY better at self regulation than adults are 

Messy Mealtimes

Messy Mealtimes

Messy Mealtimes! The last thing moms want to hear is, “Let your kiddo make a huge mess during their meal” but this WORKS! Our babies learn through experiences-touching, poking, smearing, smelling and rolling with their fingers. When we allow our babies these experiences without the 

Does Nipple Size Matter?

Does Nipple Size Matter?

Nipple sizes! Not only are there hundreds of bottle brands out there, there’s also several nipple sizes for each brand! How do you know where to starts, when to switch and what signs to look for? Thankfully your baby will show you exactly what they need by watching their cues while feeding!

There is no “developmental” range for each nipple-although bottle manufacturers would love for you to believe so! Use the tips above to determine the best nipple level for your little one. If your still having trouble feel free to reach out to a feeding SLP who can observe a bottle feed!

The Beauty of Diverse Feeding

The Beauty of Diverse Feeding

The most beautiful feeding photograph I’ve ever seen seen shot by Felicia Saunders Photography Whether your baby is breastfed, bottle fed or tube fed the most important gift your giving them is that their lovingly fed! As each baby is unique, so are their needs