Child Superheroes

Child Superheroes

For all the kiddo heroes out there! For the kiddo who stutters and fights anxiety every time they speak in class. For the kiddo who chokes on liquids and needs thickener added to their Chick Fil A lemonade. For the kiddo with Autism who wants 

Pop the Pig Articulation Game

Pop the Pig Articulation Game

Y’all! This game is GOLD! If “Pop The Pig” isn’t a game in your therapy closet or home, you need this game ASAP! I’ve never met a child who doesn’t like playing this game! What’s extra great about this game is that you can use 

Language vs. Communication

Language vs. Communication

“My child knows all of his letters, numbers and shapes!”“So wonderful! BUT, can he ask for a drink when thirsty? Tell you when he’s hurt and needs a hug? Engage with others during play?” Using language versus communication skills is such an important concept. We 

Pretend Play Vocabulary

Pretend Play Vocabulary

Pretend play is so important for our kiddos but it’s not just for the imagination! Pretend play rich in PARENT-LED VOCABULARY helps our littles learn countless single and two-word phrases! Because our kiddos learn first words through repetition, doll houses and little people play sets 

Reading Benefits

Reading Benefits

One of the main questions an SLP receives is, “What can I do to boost my child’s language?” As simple as the answer is, reading to our children has immeasurable literacy, social and emotional benefits!  Caregivers can and should start reading to their children as 

The Benefits of Play

The Benefits of Play

The power of play in the therapy setting is invaluable! Not only is play more motivating but the brain absorbs new concepts through play quicker and easier than with flash cards or drilling. So often therapists and parents can fall into the flash card rut