Tag: speech therapy

Child Superheroes

Child Superheroes

For all the kiddo heroes out there! For the kiddo who stutters and fights anxiety every time they speak in class. For the kiddo who chokes on liquids and needs thickener added to their Chick Fil A lemonade. For the kiddo with Autism who wants 

Breast Milk Storage

Breast Milk Storage

This is for all the bleary eyed mamas out there wondering what in the world to do with their freshly expressed breast milk- I see you, I’ve been you, you’ve got this!! There are so many sources for information these days- friends, mommy groups, google 

Bottle Compensations

Bottle Compensations

When it comes to bottle feeding some of our babies can eat seemingly upside down with complete independence while others need many supports and compensations when drinking from the bottle.

Different level nipples can certainly help a baby who needs a slower/faster flow, however a large number of our babies need just a TINY bit slower, or TAD BIT faster to maximize feedings.

Slowing the flow can help a baby who has trouble choking on their liquids or coordinating their suck-swallow-breathe pattern. Increasing the flow can help babies whose mouths don’t have the strength to sustain a whole feeding yet.

Slowing the flow:
~Sidelying Position: Imitates the breastfeeding position. Increases the babies control of liquid and decreases choking.
~Pacing: Allows a baby more time to coordinate their breathing with their eating.
~Tightening the neck of the bottle: Using the laws of physics to decrease the flow of liquid.

Increasing the Flow:
~Cheek support: This can be one cheek or both cheeks supported. Improves suction during bottle feeds to increase milk removal from the bottle.
~Chin support: Stabilizes the jaw to help the baby use his tongue to create more suction on the nipple.

All bottle compensation should be initiated with the help of a skilled speech pathologist! 

Pop the Pig Articulation Game

Pop the Pig Articulation Game

Y’all! This game is GOLD! If “Pop The Pig” isn’t a game in your therapy closet or home, you need this game ASAP! I’ve never met a child who doesn’t like playing this game! What’s extra great about this game is that you can use 

The Intricate Swallow

The Intricate Swallow

“I never knew swallowing was so intricate until we started having trouble with swallowing!” As an SLP specializing in feeding I hear this often! Eating and drinking are seemingly mindless tasks until someone starts having difficulty with them. Eating food and drinking liquids are two 

Toddler Feeding

Toddler Feeding

Toddler parents typically start to feel like short order chefs when their 2 year olds start to have an opinion about the food going in their mouths, but it doesn’t have to be that way!

Toddlers are SIGNIFICANTLY better at self regulation than adults are when it comes to food. You or I might stuff ourselves with French fries because, “Their just THAT good,” but our kiddos have the ability to regulate themselves based on their internal hunger and circumstantial cues.

If there’s one thing you could leave your toddler to do independently it’s letting them decide HOW MUCH and WHAT food goes into their mouth!

Some ways kiddos control their intake based on being in tune with their own bodies:

? If your child had a high calorie day yesterday, today they might have a lighter day of foods or skip snacks all together.

? When they’re teething, they will naturally eat only the soft, cold food you place in front of them.

? If your child has a huge breakfast, lunch and dinner might be much lighter.

? Growth spurts make our kiddos ravenously hungry, but this usually lasts 2/3 days only.

? If your kiddo is coming down with a cold, their lack of appetite will probably be the first sign they show you.

Our job is to pick WHAT food to offer, WHEN we offer it, and HOW much we place in front of them. THAT’S IT! Takes the pressure off right!?

Bottom line, when your toddler refuses your home cooked meal remember to trust them and their appetite, keep mealtimes enjoyable and never force feed!

Language vs. Communication

Language vs. Communication

“My child knows all of his letters, numbers and shapes!”“So wonderful! BUT, can he ask for a drink when thirsty? Tell you when he’s hurt and needs a hug? Engage with others during play?” Using language versus communication skills is such an important concept. We 

Pretend Play Vocabulary

Pretend Play Vocabulary

Pretend play is so important for our kiddos but it’s not just for the imagination! Pretend play rich in PARENT-LED VOCABULARY helps our littles learn countless single and two-word phrases! Because our kiddos learn first words through repetition, doll houses and little people play sets 

Reading Benefits

Reading Benefits

One of the main questions an SLP receives is, “What can I do to boost my child’s language?” As simple as the answer is, reading to our children has immeasurable literacy, social and emotional benefits!

? Caregivers can and should start reading to their children as INFANTS! This might seem young but your already triggering a child’s brain to pick up on the nuances of your home language.

? Reading face time face with your child allows your kiddo to watch how you pronounce simple and complex words. This improves articulation/pronunciation later in life.

? Sitting and reading with your child boosts emotional health and happiness. One on one experiences and play that are rich in language increases relationships between caregivers and children.

? SLP Tip: Guide your kiddos fingers to touch pictures while naming items in order to give their language an extra boost. Tactile and auditory experiences increases literacy skills!

Messy Mealtimes

Messy Mealtimes

Messy Mealtimes! The last thing moms want to hear is, “Let your kiddo make a huge mess during their meal” but this WORKS! Our babies learn through experiences-touching, poking, smearing, smelling and rolling with their fingers. When we allow our babies these experiences without the